israel’s anti-semitism smear campaign

With the House and Senate in the pocket of the Israel lobby, this has always been the course of least resistance for American presidents, especially in recent decades, as Christian Zionists have become a mighty political force. . ... In principle, this has never been hard to do because..


Conservatives have charged that the harbor standard, quickly criticizing Christian conservatives Jewish on major national ticket, evoked God at many campaign stops.. But American Civil Liberties Union, People for American Way, and Americans United for Separation of Church and State all..

when media, religion and politics

EASTER has always been one of those odd American religious holidays. It's a celebration with ubiquitous symbolism that acknowledges our country's Judeo-Christian roots and its roughly 80 percent Christian population. ... Terri Schiavo is the new, bracing image of American religious..

james taranto's opinions

The War Against the Normal (The American Spectator, November) . Smearing Sarah Palin as a devout Christian and a mother. . ... (The American Spectator, October) . The National Enquirer scoops everyone else. . ..

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