the future of freedom foundation

Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq. Since it loaned the money, China expects repayment in full. American taxpayers are on the hook. . Other statists say that the U.S. economy is so strong that it doesn’t really matter how much debt the U.S. government accumulates. ..

us imperialism's pivot to asia

In his second term, he intends not to retreat from American imperial assertion but to strengthen it. . ... But after 9/11, Bush backed off his confrontational approach to seek China’s support in the “war on terror.” ..

obama’s imperial war

By number of figures who would play prominent roles in the But the same ideas were rearticulated in report from Project for the New American Century issued September 2000, written Bush administration.. ..

what the venezuelan constitution says about changing the president –

What Trump demands is Venezuela to, America, removing Trump and skipping over Vice President and appointing Nancy Pelosi as America's President, and it also violates Venezuelan Constitution's that Supreme Judicial Tribunal must first approve before there can be ANY change of President without election by the..

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