monthly review

Adam Rubin contacted me after the recommendations from Department of Education, Mayor's of Immigrant Affairs, lastly, even from Arab-American woman at Brooklyn falafel stand.. The team and I worked for the next six months developing the proposal and getting endorsement letters from..


The attacks on the Lebanon barracks, which claimed a total of 300 French and American lives, led directly to both countries pulling their forces out of Lebanon five months later. The Arab world has never forgotten this humbling of Western powers. Nor has it forgotten that almost exactly a..

james taranto's opinions

Paul Wolfowitz on the death of Osama, the pro-democracy Arab Spring, and the importance of U.S. leadership.. . 'Civility' Was Alwayd Dead (The American Spectator, May) . The post-Tucson pieties prove to be empty. ..

the next world order

The senior official also recommended as interesting thinkers on the Middle East Charles Hill, of Yale, who in a recent essay declared, “Every regime of the Arab-Islamic world has proved a failure,” and Reuel Marc Gerecht, of the American Enterprise Institute, who published an article in..

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