monthly review

It also marks the anniversary of the founding of AFL- CIO, the result of the merger of American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization. The Clinton-era Justice Department, ignoring assorted unsavory activities in Soviet Union and focused in upon the..

justice's actions seem somewhat unjustified

How will the round-up instructions from the Justice Department read then? ... And what of American civilians detained by hostile governments? What case can we make in the court of public opinion for their release if we, too, are detaining suspects or trying them in secret? ..

overreaching on `enemy combatants'

Moreover, conclusive judicial delineation of the scope of presidential authority to detain U.S. citizens by labeling them enemy combatants is overdue because this unfettered exercise of power threatens American freedom. . If the Supreme Court accepts the Justice Department's..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.