the changing american population, 1610-2010

The rapid increase in US Latino population was a result of their higher fertility, and increased immigration from Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean. . ... During World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt instituted the “Good Neighbor Policy,” which amounted to the..


The overall estimates for unauthorized immigrants build on these residuals by adjusting for survey omissions for these six states and the balance of the country, subdivided for Mexican immigrants and other groups of immigrants (balance of Latin America, South and East Asia, rest of world)..

loveable dingbats or hateful warmongers?

Crushing revolutions and funding death squads: The Reagan rap sheet of international war crimes extends around the world, including support for the racist apartheid regime in South Africa. ... 'backyard': Central America. . The Reagan administration backed military dictators in El Salvador..

beyond red vs. blue

They also express deep concerns about the growing number of immigrants in America. This largely female group includes many white evangelical Christians, and nearly half of Social Conservatives live in the South. . ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.