contrapoints vs. non-binary nonsense.

She disclosed that it’s more comfortable (for her) to be simply coded as a woman than have cisgender allies go out of their way to parade their pronouns for her benefit. . ... Of course, it comes as no surprise that Narwitz, like Wynn, faced backlash for her remarks from so-called “trans..

the central american death cult – the brooklyn rail

“All told,” historian Greg Grandin explains, “US allies in Central America during Reagan's two terms killed over 300,000 people, tortured hundreds of thousands, and drove millions into exile.”8 Faced with extreme levels of brutality, the flow of refugees into the United States increased to..

iran threatens us allies with attack, resumes uranium

Iranians announced Tuesday that in the event of hostilities with United States, any country that hosted U.S troops, or its allies, would be considered combatant and, therefore, attackable regardless of whether they are directly participating in the conflict or not. ... The danger to Americans..

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