where did the past go?

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) has incorporated it into trainings for Jewish members and non-Jewish allies across New York City since 2012 and includes it in their influential Understanding Antisemitism pamphlet, released in 2017. ..


end colonialism, support self-determination, correct historical wrongs

Join us for People's Mobilization to Stop US War Machine and Save Planet from September 20 to 23 New York City. Native Hawaiians and allies are camped at the base of Mauna Kea to protect the summit of the mountain from the construction of Thirty Meter Telescope,  a massive..


The United States and its allies invaded Afghanistan October 2001, shortly after September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. ..


new york's new ag has the chance to end a major political abuse

To restore confidence in the law and the impartiality of the Office of Attorney General, Letitia James, New York's newest top cop, has the opportunity to set political allies and ambitions aside and put end to political abuse of Martin Act. ..

house approves bill warning against u.s. nato pullout

At news conference before the vote, of Republican low regard for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 70-year-old military alliance that joins United States and Canada with allies Europe.. The New York Times said last week that several times over the course of 2018, his advisers..


schiff: we wanted to reassure nato allies worried that trump wants to

By reports that the president has questioned his staff or opined about leaving, We were looking forward to the opportunity to reassure NATO allies shaken NATO. The New York Times reported on Monday that Trump has discussed his desire to withdraw U.S from NATO on multiple..

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