mueller's report is in; what happens now?

The Reagan administration eventually gave up its executive privilege argument, and the elder Gorsuch resigned, citing the media attention and the lack of support from Reagan. . The Reagan administration might have given up because there was Supreme Court precedent—quite recent, at the..

new sanctions will make iranian nuke scientists 'radioactive' abroad,

By retaining the team, Iran intended to to keep their skills sharp in case Tehran decided to revive the weapons project, said administration official. ... Punishing those who have supported Iran's nuclear drive is another way for the administration to offset Iranian hedging efforts..

on the glorification of jacinda ardern

Far from being the antithesis of the Trump administration, as the Times would have it, the Labour-NZ First-Greens coalition deal was backed by Washington. ... Its 2018 defence policy statement adopted the Trump administration’s description of Russia and China as the main “threats” to..

the tragedy of kosovo

It was ruled directly by the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) from the end of the war in June 1999. ... Even since formal supervision officially ended in 2012, extensive international oversight has continued: a recent study noted that the US and EU are..

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