
justice clarence thomas slams women who have abortions as heartless

portion of the law required burial or cremation for fetal remains following abortion, while another in the law barred abortion, based on sex or race, as well as any disease, defect or disorder... ... Noting, that the abortion rate among black women is 3.5 times the ration for..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/lk6lt2yb1xpave2wghao.jpg

sen. kamala harris to announce plan to stop states' unconstitutional

Kamala Harris will announce her policy proposal to stop states from passing abortion laws by including requirement from Department of Justice... ... This state pre-clearance requirement would be similar to Voting Rights Act, would have to get advance approval by federal court or Department of..

abortion: supreme court upholds part of indiana law on fetal

WASHINGTON   The Supreme Court upheld Indiana Tuesday that requires the burial or cremation of fetal remains following abortion, effort to ban abortions based on sex, race or disability.. ... In February, the court temporarily blocked abortion restrictions Louisiana that critics..

abortion in the states: mississippi’s heartbeat bill

flurry of abortion news comes out of Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri, Louisiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Texas.. ... The American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood filed the lawsuit on behalf of abortion providers seeking to overturn Alabama law that would make performing..

diabolical language of an abortion disciple

Equality Act defines sex to include pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition, and, the term related medical condition fact means abortion.. Furthermore, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, interprets abortion to be covered as a related medical condition... ..

in some democrat-led states, lawmakers differ on abortion

Protesters gathered at the fundraiser to pressure legislative leaders to bring bill seeking to protect abortion rights to Senate for vote ... bill to remove dormant criminal ban on New Mexico was voted down March by Democrat-led state Senate, despite push to shore up abortion rights by..

supreme court upholds indiana abortion law requiring fetal

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday Indiana's requiring abortion providers to bury or cremate fetal remains, and left lower court rulings intact that invalidated broader measure that would prevent woman from having abortion based on gender, race or genetic disorder.. ... In its..

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