march of the fetus people

Politicians want to be able to wave their anti-abortion bona fides in front of their hard-right constituents and then blame the courts for nor turning their states into real-world Handmaid's Tales. ... That brings us to Alabama, heartbeat or no, and make abortion felony punishable by 99..

too many people, or too much greed?

Such a course would obviously include fully subsidized healthcare for everybody, with every form of contraception including abortion on demand, and with all forms of maternity care; also subsidized and universal quality education from preschool through trade schools and university, guaranteed minimum..

seizing an opportunity, conservative lawmakers push abortion

o Alabama's ban, have passed laws that would ban abortion as soon as the heartbeat of the fetus can be detected, around six weeks. ... trying to ban abortion so early gestation that it would no longer be feasible for many women. ..

alabama abortion ban—part of new efforts to restrict

Abortion is now also policy — the two parties are now solidly on opposite sides of the issue. ... The strategy works to deter providers from offering abortion care, and creates risk for any provider engaged healthcare that the loose and definition of abortion might allow..

alabama abortion law signed by gov. kay ivey

But in nod to the likely legal challenges it will face, Ivey's statement also said that Alabama's pre-1973 ban on abortion is unenforceable due to U.S. ... Legal abortion supporters fly banner reading Abortion is OK over Alabama State Capitol building Montgomery, Ala., on..

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