trump vs. mccain: an american horror story

In 2000, John McCain, running as America’s late 20th-century iconic hero—the Vietnam POW—overwhelmed his four Republican opponents in the New Hampshire primary, crushing runner-up George W. ... But in the next primary, in South Carolina, his “Straight Talk Express” was derailed by..

god sent trump to invade iran

They believe in a dispensationalist view of the Bible, that is to say they believe the Old Testament foreshadows Christ and the New Testament. . ... His commentary anchors the Trump effort to destroy Iran directly within the context of biblical prophecy—and such religious fanaticism, as..

eu right to hesitate regarding north macedonia?

The question is not whether we can change our name and sign agreement, it's whether we're institutionally able to implement real reforms that will free us from mentality of subservience harking back to Ottoman Empire, the laws are not worth the paper they're written on and corruption and crime are what..

communists and race

The communists set up American Negro Labor Congress, League of Struggle for Negro Rights, International Labor Defense, National Negro Congress, Civil Rights Congress, Negro Labor Victory Committee, Southern Negro Youth Congress, and other organizations to bring more blacks into the movement.. ..

on the glorification of jacinda ardern

As in Europe, India and the US, right-wing nationalists have been actively promoted within New Zealand and are now at the centre of the government. . ... The right-wing character of such identity politics, central to the Democratic Party, is revealed in New Zealand, where..

day of wrath

White evangelicals — once and still the source of anti-Semitism in U.S are paradoxically the firmest supporters of Warrior Israel and its Bible-mandated in ushering in the coming tribulation and Christ's defeat of evil. ..

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