making visible the weapons of empire

Until 1974, when a post-Watergate Congress strengthened transparency, there also was no Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which has permitted researchers and journalists to obtain federal government documents that shed light on the U.S. military’s activities and U.S arms transfers. ..

crime & violence

As city and county officials move toward establishing a safe injection site for drug users, representatives of the federal government are warning that they are illegal and anyone involved could be looking at years in federal prison. ..


As city and county officials move toward establishing a safe injection site for drug users, representatives of the federal government are warning that they are illegal and anyone involved could be looking at years in federal prison. ... 'I'd like to see the federal..

federal government

Federal Government . RSS Feed for this category . . Chronicle AM: Federal Marijuana Bill Filed, Ciudad Juarez Drug War Killings Surge, More... (1/4/19) . by psmith, January 04, 2019, 05:05pm . ... 'I'm just not willing to look at that, especially since it is illegal right now according to..

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