feminism’s history wars

The exercise was intended to showcase the country's military might to other European powers, notably Germany, and the fighting was expected to be over by Christmas, In Britain, many on the left protested that Boers were innocent victims, and anti-war meetings attracted violent response on the basis..

banana kingdom denmark

I suppose Trump figured that so that US Military Empire could have more military bases with armament placed there. ... One would have thought, Banana Kingdom Denmark has proven, yet once again, to be the best possible warring ally US Military Empire could wish for, and no,..

israeli elections – the moderate voice

Bibi’s traditional ally, Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteninu party is splitting from the Likud over Bibi’s promise to support religious Jews with monthly income and exclusion from military service. ... That would lead the “Blue and White” party headed by Benny Gantz a military hero in..


cnrp budget announced for soldiers who defect

Preparing budget for the members of the military that defect from Hun Sen and turn themselves over to protecting the people on November 9, of the press release.. Political analyst Lao Mong Hay said the offer of financial assistance to the military was to get them to support Rainsy's..

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