
right-wing authoritarians like sohrab ahmari don’t understand the

Indeed, it's disturbing how Ahmari and his fellow Catholic traditionalists are to eliminate the so-called neutral public commons, considering that Catholicism owes its America to the freedom that neutral common guaranteed. ..

december 2012

their adversary was not so much capitalism as 'the in us all, in our heads and in our behaviour, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.. ... ..

august 2010

In his book, The Artificial Ape, anthropologist and Timothy Taylor makes the startling claim that we did not make tools, tools made us.. ..

october 2009

People from highly individualistic cultures like United States and Western Europe are more likely to value uniqueness over harmony, expression over agreement, Joan Chiao, the author of the study and professor of in Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern.. ... CNN,..

guns from the united states are stoking a homicide

The number of firearms trafficked to Mexico is unknown, and in one of the few academic studies of the issue, researchers at University of San Diego estimated that more than 750,000 guns were purchased in United States between 2010 and 2012 to be smuggled into Mexico.. ..!/quality/90/?

an 'america first' foreign policy doesn't include regime

Were Hillary Clinton our president, United States would be at war now with Syria or Iran or both.. ... America's ample war-making might ought to be put to work to defend America, to demolish those. ..

the nyt pretends apartheid israel is democratic

cancer infesting Israel, elsewhere, and the US, it's ruthless, racist, undemocratic, destructive, and hostile to peace, equity and justice.. ... By the broadsheet or other establishment media, For millions of long-suffering Palestinians, nothing matters more — what Israel and its US..

mandarin is weaving its way into africa, one classroom at a time

Despite the apparent advantages, that African governments should keep close eye on these institutes in the wake of closures in the US of such centers amid fears of interference from Chinese Communist Party.. ... All Confucius Institutes in the US are established American universities..

united states sending troops to bolster saudi

WASHINGTON US President Donald Trump on Friday approved sending American troops to Saudi Arabia's air and missile defenses. ... Relations between United States and Iran have deteriorated sharply since Trump pulled out of Iran accord last year and reimposed sanctions on its..!/quality/90/?

interior department grounds chinese drones amid fears of spying

American officials worry that the companies are beholden to the intelligence agencies at time when President Trump and lawmakers in both parties agree that Beijing has launched major with United States... ... We urge the US to stop abusing the concept of security, stop spreading..

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