the holocaust, the bbc and antisemitism smears

Outside Israel such claims play well only with evangelicals, mostly in the US, and have therefore been deployed selectively, targeted chiefly at US President Donald Trump’s base. For the rest of us, the Biblical rationale is quietly set aside. . White man’s burden . ..

secretary pompeo, meet vice president agnew

Another assured Agnew that “Millions of Americans hav’nt [sic] forgotten that you were the first prominent politician to come along and tell us the facts about our lying and well-orchestrated propagandizing media.”   .   . As with Trump’s supporters today, belief in the media..

dnc leader stacks nominating committee against bernie sanders –

Cardona repurposed the reactionary line of attack in December 2019, questioning Sanders’ “electability” in an  for The Hill: “If [Elizabeth] Warren and Sanders remain among top Democratic tier (they will), Trump will continue to try to paint all Democrats as radical socialists who want to..

vladimir popov

Why New US Cold War with Russia Now . By . Even before the imposition of new sanctions on Russia by Donald Trump and the ongoing fuss over Russian hackers undermining US democracy, Russian-American relations had deteriorated to a level not seen since the 1950s. ..

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