the necessity of peace in a leaderless world

Trump pulling the US out, as he does on anything connected with former President, Obama. . ... When Saudi Arabia butchered the journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, Trump refused to condemn the killing and defended himself by claiming that if he did oil prices would rise to US $150..

xi jinping signals china is preparing for 'long march' in us trade war

Chinese president's actions as of late being interpreted as digs at US President Donald Trump as the war between the two nations rages on. ... Chinese recent actions have been interpreted attacks on US President Donald Trump as the war between the two nations rages on...


BJay Pak, the US attorney in Atlanta, secured Soleimani’s indictment on June 12, 2018, just a month after President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear deal, and Soleimani had been fully unaware of such an indictment when he flew to the US. . ..

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