it’s official: no collusion

But for all that, there are still immense forces at work that might yet pull the US down, that would make it an ungovernable mess. . ... This entry was posted in American politics, Media. Bookmark the permalink. . . . . . 86 Responses to It’s official: NO collusion . stackja . . ..


TEHRAN - Iranian Supreme Leader's top Aide for International Affairs Ali Akbar Velayati condemned US President Donald Trump's remarks on Syrian territories of Golan Heights, ments will further increase the solidarity of the resistance front in countering Israeli occupation.. ..

us and puppet guaido implicated in terrorism plot against venezuela

The US coup with the self-proclaimed Venezuelan puppet president Juan Guaidó has been failing. Right-wing Latin American countries and the European Union, while willing to go along with the charade farce president, have not been willing to take military action against Venezuela. . ..

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