the facts on the born-alive debate

Sasse’s office says the bill is aimed at “botched abortions,” but a doctor speaking on behalf of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which opposed the bill, told us it would pertain to difficult situations in which parents make the decision with clinicians to..


Far from it, the recent US strategic shift is designed with significant new focus to prolong Afghan war and make it possible for American and NATO soldiers to occupy Afghanistan forever. ..

longstanding us russia bashing

. , it falsely accused Russia of 'the most effective foreign interference in an American election in history' - despite nothing of the kind occurring, not in November 2016, earlier, or thereafter. . Electoral interference is a US specialty at home and abroad, its dirty hands wanting puppets.. original

Since I’m one of those libertarianism-in-one-country guys who pretty much confine themselves to arguing against US intervention abroad in terms of how it damages American interests and undermines our own system of theoretically limited government, I frankly don’t pay much attention to..

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