
With proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot this November that could erode the separation of religion and state Florida, and undermine women's rights to make their own health care decisions, the stakes are just too high to stay home on Election Day... ..

20 races that can change the course of congress

The evenly divided district, which stretches from Flagstaff in the north to Tucson in the south and passes through several Indian reservations, has historically leaned Democratic and could do so again if the president does better-than-expected in the state. . . FLORIDA 18TH (TOSS-UP) ...

supreme court expected to gain first hispanic

The court -- which disciplines attorneys and judges and makes final decisions on a wide range of issues -- has two black justices and but no Hispanics, even though there are more Hispanics in the state. . . . . . 'Florida will get an excellent justice,' said Frank Angones, former head of the..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.