spies, federal grants, and cronyism

Department of Defense recently completed an audit of the role of the ONA in funding research performed by Stefan Halper, one of the central figures in the so-called “Russia-gate” investigation of President Trump’s 2016 political campaign. . . ... In the months leading up to the 2016 election,..

is trump what we need?

By imposing economic sanctions, On Russia, Trump has confronted Russian President Vladimir Putin, supporting Ukrainian independence, recommitting to Central-Eastern Europe, increasing US military support for Poland, and challenging Russian energy dominance through support of Baltic pipeline and..

the riptide of american militarism

For Germany and Italy, especially, and for Russia and Japan, to lesser extent, military power has come to be the raison d'être of the state, while war is regarded as natural and ennobling process in the struggle for existence. ..

why i am not a socialist

If there are any questions remaining to be resolved the further the USSR fades into the historical distance, resource-rich Venezuela’s freefall into chaos, poverty, and widespread government repression should answer them. . ..


Until May, Iran was allowed to ship low-enriched uranium produced at Natanz to Russia before it hit the 300-kg limit and the US measure leaves no way for Tehran other than exceeding the ceiling for storing the violation of the nuclear deal.. ... TEHRAN - The head of Russian General of Staff,..

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