thwaites glacier startles scientists

After all, the ocean has been absorbing most of the planet's heat, and that heat finds its way in the water, thus creating gigantic melt holes, like the recently discovered Thwaites Big Cavity. ... The Amundsen Sea Embayment, sector of West Antarctica is contributor to sea..

american citizens are the only humans

“Although we still believe our species began in Africa, we’re now starting to see that those individuals who migrated north and westward across the Atlantic Ocean – who came of their own free will, and not in a slave ship – developed more advanced traits as they went. ..

mariela jara

At more than 3,300 m above sea level, in the department of Cuzco, women are beating infertile soil and frost to grow organic food and revive community work practices that date back to the days of the Inca empire in Peru such as the 'ayni' and 'minka'. . . . ... In a remote village in the Peruvian..

‘troops die for israel’ - trump

Our sad state of affairs has made Israel's problems OUR problems, and have thrown our soldiers to their deaths to protect JEWish state ever since Israel's air-sea attack on our US Navy ship cruising in international waters.. ..

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