mississippi election: cindy hyde-smith and white women in america

White women, as whole, moved away from Republican Party in 2018 49 percent of white women voters cast their ballots for Republicans House races, compared with 55 percent in 2016, according to CNN exit polls.. ... And it becomes easier to understand why some white today might feel..

maybe it’s time for america to split up

Florida’s internal politics are driven by perpetual debate over whether the state stood to benefit by joining either federation; Alaska no longer has a Democratic Party and Republican Party but has entirely realigned along a Pro-Fed and Anti-Fed axis. . ..

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Five days later, a man carrying a “Trump is Satan” sign threatened to blow up a Republican Party office building in Traverse City, Michigan. Guns shots were fired at a Republican Party office in Florida on October 29, the same day that actor James Cromwell told Variety..

u.s. militia groups head to border

Five days later, a man carrying a “Trump is Satan” sign threatened to blow up a Republican Party office building in Traverse City, Michigan. Guns shots were fired at a Republican Party office in Florida on October 29, the same day that actor James Cromwell told Variety..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.