pakistan’s balancing act

Bhutto spoke with ISR editorial board member Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal. . . . . THE NEW York Times reported on October 18 that the United States is negotiating a “multiyear security pact with Pakistan, complete with more reliable military..

the state of struggle in iraq

For detailed discussions of U.S. economic policies and actions in Iraq, see Schwartz, War Without End, pp. 33-45, and Chapters 10-13; and Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (New York, Metropolitan Books, 2007), Chapters 16-18. . For a succinct summary of..

iran: rebellion and reaction

The more the competing factions at the top of society clash over the legacy of the revolution that overthrew U.S.-backed, Shah of Iran, the greater for the movement to organize around its own interests. ..

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