three squares main street’s annual meeting a success – jamaica

Three Squares Main Street JP held its Annual Meeting on the evening of October 17 at Jamaica Mi Hungry volunteer opportunities, future plans, and its process of launching new name and logo. Jamaica Plain Main Streets organization established to fortify the business district along Centre Street..

jude—the most urgent bible message

And he said, Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints from his right hand went law for them.. When Jesus Christ returns, He will retrieve the new throne of David from his loyal people in the place of..

1989: the end of what?

Needless to say, this is exploited by irresponsible and corrupt demagogues, especially but not exclusively of the Right. “Democracy” is a laugh: but for this the democrats of the first hour are blamed, not the new tyrants. ..

lebanon: a revolution redefining a country

Some of these methods were used in Greece, Mexico, and elsewhere and we can be inspired by them to create our local practices: Informal economic exchange where local producers in the industrial or agricultural sectors in various regions can sell products directly to people in cities, the..

'nazi emergency' grips dresden

The city, located in the Eastern German state of Saxony, passed motion condemning neo-Nazi demonstrations and encouraging the council to seek federal funding for anti-Nazi education programs, and ban on future rallies by the far right.. ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.