our labor history timeline

1973 Labor Council for Latin American Advancement founded 2000  AFL- CIO Executive Council calls for reform in the immigration laws for undocumented workers 2006 The AFL- CIO and National Day Laborer Organizing Network form partnership to collaborate with worker centers on immigration reform and other..

all eyes are on indian supreme court: icj

Indian of the autonomy and special status of Jammu and Kashmir violates the rights of representation and participation guaranteed to the people under Indian and in law and is blow to the rule of law and human rights in the state and India, International Commission of Jurists said in statement... ..


how climate change is becoming a deadly part of white nationalism

Earther: Could we see this kind of language on closing the borders or deporting people or becoming a new flavor climate denial on the right and if so, what are some ways to counteract that? ... This past fall, Matthew Phelan wrote an article in the New York Review of Books on..

the new threat to poland’s lgbtq people

The European Union elections in May went largely to the PiS, standard-bearer of Poland’s extreme right, followed by the centrist Civic Platform. Gay activist Robert Biedron’s new leftist initiative, Wiosna (Spring), was the only party of these three to put sexual minority rights..


larry diamond talks russia, china, “ill winds” on kara swisher

No, overt is the new corruption, just so you know. . We had Florida in 2018 vote to give felons the right to vote, to nonviolent convicted felons. ... Right, right. Well, there’s two parts. A lot of this, I’m going up to Microsoft this week, tomorrow, to see their..

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