muslims against antisemitism

The letter, noted Times of Israel. was in response to manifesto published on Sunday Le Parisien, France, signed by 300 politicians, intellectuals, and artists denouncing the new anti-Semitism France driven by Islamists in the country... ..

the left after syriza

Tsipras’s surrender prompted an exodus of much of the Left from Syriza—which makes up as much as 40 percent of the membership—some of which reformed as a new anti-austerity coalition called Popular Unity, with support of the Left Platform under the leadership of Panagiotis Lafazanis,..

anti-semitism in the age of trump

While Christian and anti-Semitism are the strongest forces of anti-Semitism in United States and are bolstered by Trump Administration, most mainstream Jewish communal institutions continue to focus on what is called the new anti-Semitism... ..

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