defining the role of the united nations

The Middle East region is renowned for its humongous oil and gasoline reserves, countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and United Arab Emirates to name few, they are one of the major exporters of gas and oil in Earth. Israel is part of Middle East and has been comfort..

america is not an innocent bystander in yemen

Americans, deep in the trenches of a culture war, are busy burning their Nikes and obsessing over President Donald Trump’s Twitter account, and they show little appetite for the real wars raging in the Middle East, effectively leaving the region up for grabs. ..

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Marsha Blackburn, describes the caravan of migrants headed for the US border known criminals, people from Middle East, even terrorists.. The in the caravan are from Central America, not Middle East, and most fleeing violence, poverty, or both, as Vox's Dara Lind notes. ..

us elections: not a word about wars

Throughout the election cycle, not one Republican or Democratic candidate presented platform to end America's longest, losing Afghan War, nor to end its other illegal and foreign engagements in Middle East and Africa that's killing people, destroying nations and intensifying the hatred..

shin bet director: west bank deceptively quiet

Moshe Elad, in Middle East of Western Galilee Academic College and in Israel Defense Forces, said. ... This astonishing truth means that all of Bible's end-time prophecies concerning Israel are directed at United States and Britain, and Jewish nation called Israel in Middle..

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