european parliamentary elections 2019: 5 takeaways

Voters across European Union went to the polls this past week to vote for the parties they want to represent them in European Parliament, one of the legislative bodies of EU and the only one. In UK, the pro- EU Greens snagged about 12 percent of the vote, gaining..

5 takeaways from the european union last election

populists have won in many countries, everything points out that little will change in the distribution of power and in the political dynamics within European Union. ... European Union was created to contain Germany nowadays, German ruling elites control Europe...

anti-semitism rises anew in europe

European Union survey conducted in 2018 likewise found that among German Jews who had experienced anti-Semitic harassment over the past five years, 41% perceived the perpetrators of the most serious incidents to be someone with Muslim extremist view... ... CNN poll November on the state..

it is the indifference of israelis that is killing people

The Holocaust is then connected to the exodus of Jews from Europe to Middle East, after the end of WWII.. ... This article was posted on Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 at 8 00am and is filed under, Donald Trump, Elitism, Europe, Germany, Israel, Land ownership, Land Theft, Media, Militarism,..

a 21st-century schism

Beyond Russia's borders, Central and Eastern Europe, identification with Russian Orthodox Church is often synonymous with backing Russia's in the world as a counterweight to the West. ..

looking again at ‘revolution'

The type of rehabilitation that revolution now enjoys reminds me of the celebration of new democracy in the last decade of the century, following the collapse of Communist Party-led governments Eastern Europe and the disintegration of Soviet Union.. ... From the many revolutions that have occurred..


Based on the Fatwa, Iran pursued dialogue with the community and Western countries, and also known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, with permanent members of United Nations Security Council plus Germany and European Union.. ... TEHRAN - Iran reminded Europe on Tuesday of..

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