is trump’s assault on international law working?

Their concerted effort to undermine the rule-of-law institutions of the post-war legal order — whether the United Nations and its human rights mechanisms, the European Union, or global institutions of trade and security—has called the continued stability of the postwar system of Kantian..

us negotiations: masters of defeats

The US 'negotiations allowed it to expand NATO to Russian frontier, incorporated most of East Europeans into EU and NATO and led the US to boast of creating world. ... Negotiations between the two have been partnership the US sells arms and names adversaries, while Europe argues and..


TEHRAN (FNA)- It is unfortunate to hear that European Union ambassadors have decided to leave sanctions imposed on a number of Iranian individuals for alleged human rights abuses in place for another year. . . . . ... Renowned Europe-Based Composer Fond of Conducting Tehran..

the orientalism of western russophobia

By the time of Bandung Conference in 1955, Orient had gained its independence from Western empires and gained configuration of imperial powers, United States and Soviet Union. Said included Russia in  Orientalism in his analysis of European countries and their attitude toward East,..

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