
nationalism, rightly understood, is a necessary ingredient of

The nationalist sensibility is an important part of domestic partisan politics. ... When that became apparent in Britain, Margaret Thatcher controversially rolled back postwar Labour Party policies in the 1980s. ..

how egypt's president tightened his grip

More than 120 opposition figures were arrested before and during the April 20-22 referendum, according to the Civil Democratic Movement, a coalition of opposition parties. Among them was Amir Eissa, a senior member of Al Dostour, a liberal party. ..

can one of these really become president?

If Tulsi Gabbard ditched the Democratic Party and had a smart independent campaign backing her, she would have one hope in hell of beating Trump. ... If Tulsi Gabbard ditched the Democratic Party and had a smart independent campaign backing her, she would have one hope in..

the triumph of their will

In April, House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York, held a Congressional hearing on hate crimes, white nationalism, and the role of social media. ... Tina Podlodowski, chair of the Washington State Democratic Party, says via email: “Washington..

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