war party hates putin – loves al-qaeda

War Party Hates Putin – Loves al-Qaeda . . “War on terrorism” turns into cold war against Russia . In both Yemen and Syria, the War Party has found an ally that they can get behind, you know, one that really supports our values: al-Qaeda. ..

pro-war nyt hit piece on tulsi gabbard

The entire US media establishment, the Times in the lead, waged propaganda war on him and Syria since the Obama regime launched hot war on the country in early 2011 — a cold hard truth they suppress, falsely blaming him and his government for US-led high crimes against..

ban the bomb–before our luck runs out

United States and Russia: These two countries together possess more than 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons and, despite President Trump’s fondness for Vladimir Putin, relations between them are at the lowest point in thirty years, since the end of the Cold War. Events in..

the necessity of peace in a leaderless world

Others have doctrinal issues or land claims India, Pakistan and Kashmir others want to remove Syria still others have long history of antipathy resulting from the Cold War United States and Cuba, United States and Chile, Nicaragua, Honduras   United States and Venezuela North and..

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