socialism breeds disease and death

But President Maduro enjoys, for the moment, the support of Venezuela's military, so opponents are jailed, tortured and murdered, and Chavez Maduro regime hangs on by its fingernails, while millions of Venezuelans to non-socialist countries.. ..

the trumpets of war on kashmir?

As Palestinians, we feel the suffering of Kashmir under military repression that in Palestinian BDS National Committee said on last Tuesday. ... Truly, for the people and the armed forces of Pakistan, the independence of the people of Kashmir is agenda of the partition of..

commemorating the outbreak of wwii

The reality is that even key institutions Washington and London, department and Foreign Office, did not see as priority, either through anti-Semitism of key officials, because they did not care, or saw other military and diplomatic issues as taking precedence.. ..

the bomb and the end of sanity

Today, we are at the juncture the industry, the military, and the sciences wedded to this form of boiling water for electricity.. ... He's been faculty since 1983, and gang-influenced programs, universities, colleges, high schools, language schools, as private contractor-writing instructor for..

why world war ii history is still relevant

Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George observed, in 1936, that “Germany has no desire to attack any country in Europe…” And George Fielding Eliot, an American military specialist, declared as late as May 1939: “The chances of Germany making a quick job of overwhelming Poland are not..

bibi netanyahu, ingrate

The growth of extremism, the racist policies toward Palestinians and African immigrants, the ruthlessness of Israeli military policy with its brazen disregard for innocent civilians, and the braying posturing arrogance of Netanyahu have all contributed to the unease with. ..

lamont v. woods, 948 f.2d 825

The court reasoned that Ramirez did not seek to adjudicate the lawfulness of the United States military presence in Honduras, or of the government's sponsorship of the military training center for which his land was seized. ... This challenge to the implementation of the government's..

camera op-ed: iran and the washington post attack israel

Indeed, instead of focusing on Iran's culpability or raising questions about whether U.S should continue to give aid to Lebanese Armed Forces, or elements in Iraqi government linked to Tehran, Post blames Israel and calls for negotiations with country that seeks Israel's destruction and..

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