monthly review

Where Jewish influence is significant—in the lobbying efforts of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, for instance—it is the influence of a small number of wealthy, right-wing individuals whose politics in no way reflect U.S. ... Other Jewish communities—Sefardi,..

israel’s anti-semitism smear campaign

In principle, this has never been hard to do because Israel, as we know it, could not survive for long without massive American support, and because the vaunted Israel lobby – the Jewish, not the Christian, part of it — has always been a Paper Tiger. . ... Before the Nazis took power in..

the german reparations question

When the German authorities made clear that they would not return Jewish assets to their rightful owners, the American military authorities passed a law in October 1947 mandating that all property illegally appropriated by the Nazi regime be returned to its original owners. ..

stephen miller's uncle shames him for immigration policies, betraying

Trump publicly parades the grieving families of people hurt or killed by migrants, just as the early Nazis dredged up Jewish criminals to frighten and enrage their political base to justify persecution of all Jews. Almost every American family has an immigration story of its own based on..

bulgarian jewish organisations to stand together against antisemitism

., Dr Joseph Assa, president of Sofia Lodge Carmel 3355 of B'nai B'rith, Viktor Melamed, director of Sofia of American Jewish Committee, the head of Shalom's against antisemitism and hate Robert Djerassy, and Deputy Foreign Minister Georg Georgiev, National Co-ordinator for Combating..

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