some trade wars have been a win for the world

And it's also clear that the costs to China, of being shut out of American market exceed those prolonged dispute would impose on the US, all the more so as American importers would soon develop alternative sources of supply.. ... And Trump may, with 2020 looming, opt for massive and immediate..!/quality/90/?

us rebukes south korea for scrapping security pact with japan

dispute between South Korea and Japan is strengthening China's hand at the expense of both countries according to leading defense officials... ... This impacts our security, and, so, Air Force and China expert. Japan and South Korea are cornerstones of U.S system in Indo-Pacific region...!/quality/90/?

esper gives his first press briefing, ending a year-long drought at

The secretary touched on variety of issues, ranging from Pentagon's ongoing effort to refocus on adversaries like China and Russia to U.S. ... It's clear that China is engaging in strategy to undermine the stability of the region, regarding Pacific region.. ..

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