us and japan shake on trade deal

During G-7 summit France Sunday, President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shook hands on in principle that involves agricultural products.. have excess in various parts of our country, with our farmers, because China did not do what they were going to do, said President Trump.. ..

g7 nations at odds on iran?

G7 nations Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and US are united in one respect. ... By failing to fulfill their treaty obligations, Britain, France, Germany, and EU breached JCPOA, going along with Trump regime's pullout without admitting it.. ..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/js3fkdgrzd9oibhf1s6b.jpg

president trump denies report that he wants to nuke hurricanes

President Donald Trump, confused and racist old man with dollop of moldy chowder where his brain should be, speaks with French President Emmanuel Macron at G7 summit France on August 25, 2019 Photo AP. Trump has called out Axios by name and insists that he never said this, according to tweet sent..

powerful, obscure law is basis for trump ‘order’ on trade

U.S President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump Biarritz, France, Saturday, Aug 24, 2019, for G-7 summit. ... By powerful and obscure law to make good on his tweeted, BIARRITZ, France — President Donald Trump is threatening to use the authority granted order to U.S businesses..

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