trade war a symptom of deeper malaise

Firestein, inaugural director of China Public Policy Center under University of Texas at Austin, holds that a silent majority in the US continues to China as in US future. ... GT Historian Niall Ferguson said Trump's against China and China-US trade imbalance has..

venezuelans prepared to defend their bolivarian revolution

Trump made the off-hand remark after reporter asked him at White House if the US president has been considering blockade or quarantine of Venezuela given the amount of involvement from Russia, China and Iran... We want Venezuelan people to control their own destiny., said Pompeo China,..

is red china dying?

And China's Communist bosses also fear religion.  Particularly Islam and Christianity.  ... Even under Communists, China is empire.  Its Han regions are small part of the country. ..


Washington was quick to accuse China of deliberately devaluating the yuan and designating the war rival manipulator claim that Beijing has denied.. In article for Financial News, central bank-backed newspaper, the governor with the People's Bank of China and head of China's State..

u.s. wars for israel

To the contrary, Iran has consistently and verifiably abided by the Iran Deal since it was signed in 2015 by China, France, Britain, Russia, the U.S. plus Germany (P5+1) and endorsed by the UN Security Council. ... The U.S. is currently preparing for war not only against Iran and Venezuela but also..

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