u.s. congress bipartisan vote for pentagon to be investigated for

Unit 731 was established in northeast China in a Japanese puppet state on nearly 6 square kilometers of land. ... In 1952, China accused the U.S. of engaging in germ warfare against the people of North Korea. ..!/quality/90/?

russian war crimes in syria must be confronted

Russia or China will vote down and veto the resolution, and at least they'll be forced to go on the in doing so.. ... Alongside China, in the rubble of civilian lives, Russia would destroy the order that we most hold dear.. ..

us-china trade war could raise unemployment rates

The states with the greatest export shares to China are Alaska, South Carolina, Oregon and, Washington... While exports to China are concentrated in handful of states, the tariff increase would be felt throughout United States because integrated goods and factor markets transmit the..

who's the real bully? - cctv news

President Donald Trump that accuses China of being expansionist and using its power to intimidate others would be more credible if it pointed its finger at United States as being the global bully rather than China... ... There is need for United States and China, two UN Security..

the history of "left communism"

The historical pattern is one of successive crises - the Stalinist counter-revolution in the USSR; Hitler's seizure of power in 1933; the Spanish revolution of 1936-7 and the Spanish Civil War; the battles of Ethiopia and China against Italian and Japanese imperialism; World War Two and its aftermath..

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