this week at state: july 19, 2019

On July, the governments of the United States, Egypt, France, Italy, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom reiterated their deep concern about ongoing hostilities Tripoli, called for de-escalation and halt to the current fighting, and urged the prompt return to UN-mediated political process.. ..

france: gilets noirs storm the pantheon

We, immigrants without papers, residents of shelters and of the streets, occupy Panthéon, the graves of your great citizens to demand Prime Minister give papers to all undocumented migrants France. pic twitter com 2ZI3ZC72gc — Luke Butterly July 12, 2019. ... the leaders of the trade unions..


TEHRAN - Tehran's Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani slammed European countries of Germany, France and UK for not taking the needed measures to save Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and also their compliance with US.. ... TEHRAN - Tehran's Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah..

liberation from the parasite state

A brilliant passage occurs when Marx, in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, comes to consider the state as it developed in France, and he refers to . this executive power, with its enormous bureaucracy and military organization, with it ingenious state machinery, embracing wide strata, with..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.