
'america first' trade war has world's largest money manager slashing

Tough rhetoric from both U.S and China, tit-for-tat tariffs and tensions over U.S restrictions on Chinese tech signal conflict that will be difficult to resolve — temporary trade truces notwithstanding... ... Aside from China, talks with other trading partners have been hurt by White..

digital rights

The major turning point was the election of Xi Jinping as General Secretary of Communist Party of China in 2012 and President of China in 2013... ..

making the case of war

Regional powers, including China, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, in coalition of other Asian nations have the duty to prevent the US of regime change at the expense of peace and security and protect the regional order.. ..

us and europe to iran: do as we say, not as we do

Its bipartisan ruling authorities tolerate no independent states or social democracies like Venezuela, no military or economic superpowers like Russia and China respectively - what hegemonic arrogance is all about, enforced extrajudicially with an iron fist. . ... That's precisely what happened,..

us-china trade war is making china stronger

This picture shows Chinese and US flag at booth during China International Import Expo Shanghai, Nov 6, 2018. ... China's consumption was responsible for 76.2% of its GDP growth, and Chinese stock market absorbed the impact and bounced back after initial sharp decline. ..

china urges u.s. to stop wrong practices of curbing

China urges U.S to stop wrong practices of curbing people-to-people exchanges     07 30, July 09, 2019. ... We hope U.S side treats China's development and Sino- U.S ties in manner, said Geng, calling on U.S side to work with China to maintain and enhance bilateral exchanges..

china urges us to stop wrong practices of curbing

Foreign Ministry Geng Shuang made the remarks after investigation into her professional ties to China... We hope U.S side treats China's development and Sino- U.S ties in manner, said Geng, calling on U.S side to work with China to maintain and enhance bilateral exchanges and in..

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