the winnipeg general strike

Afraid of the potential consequences, there was much disagreement within the ranks of the militant labor movement of the day over whether to openly oppose this war that would pit the working classes of Canada, the US, Britain, France, Russia and so many other countries against the working class youth..

the western media is key to syria deception

Like most other media, the Guardian article included two strange allusions – one by France, the other by the US – to the deception perpetrated by the OPCW in its recent Douma report. ... The corporate media have given France and the US a platform to reject accusations against the OPCW..


France: EU Under Huge US Pressure over Iran Trade  . . Official: Omani FM's Visit Not Aimed at Mediation between Iran, US  . . ..

the european left in disarray

By the political classes of, From the outset, the structures that became EU were characterized by agreements brokered between elites, beginning with European Coal and Steel Community drawn upWest Germany, France, in the wake of World War II. The crisis has been most pronounced in countries like..

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