china’s algorithms of repression

Human Rights in China . The Chinese Communist Party (CCP, or “Party”) has ruled China since it founded the People’s Republic of China in 1949. ... Mass Surveillance in China . The CCP has long embraced mass surveillance. ..

japan’s heisei era is not the lost 30 years

how to balance Japan's diplomacy with both China and the US so as to define its new regional and global position will be the main diplomatic challenge in Reiwa age.. ... He visited China in 1992 despite pressure from the right-wing forces Japan, showing he is more mature politically..

jomo kwame sundaram

In light of the uncertainty caused by the US- China trade war, IMF expects the US economic growth to slow from high of 2.9 in 2018 to 2.5 in 2019, while China's expansion has already slowed recent years, albeit from much higher levels... ..


TEHRAN - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif appreciated China and Russia for their efforts compliance with the nuclear deal, and slammed EU states party to the agreement for their in protecting JCPOA after the US retreat last year... ..

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