While initially Kick-Ass is constantly getting his ass kicked by thugs precisely because he does not have super powers, he eventually saves the day by arriving on the scene strapped to a jet pack fitted with miniguns and kills the remaining thugs. ..…
Over Tuesday night the situation escalated with direct combat between the two countries, shootdown of two Indian MiG-21 fighter jets, Indian helicopter, and Pakistani F-16.. ..…
Prior to the meeting, people were treated to a publicized spectacle in which Trump and Vietnam’s communist rulers signed a trade agreement, one that included a multimillion-dollar purchase of jets by the communists from U.S corporation Boeing. . ..…
According to conflicting reports on Tuesday, Feb 26, Pakistan says it shot down two Indian jets over Kashmir, while India claims to have shot down Pakistani jet. ... Pakistan then claimed to have shot down two Indian Air force jets over Pakistani side of Kashmir and taken two..…
India and Pakistan are using airstrikes against each other and both also shot down each other’s fighter jets on Wednesday. ... Pakistan has 320 fighter jets and 410 attack aircraft. . SOURCES – Reuters, Abhijit Iyer Youtube, wikipedia . ..…
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Indian Air Force on Wednesday shot down Pakistan’s multi-role F-16 fighter jet, which allegedly intruded India’s airspace, the Firstpost Internet portal reported. . . . . ..…
Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.