
france's emmanuel macron tries to becomes the new leader of europe by

It was provocative for Macron to list U.S China and Russia and his wording served two purposes both to set as leader for France and Europe and to make clear the consequences of U.S indifference to key allies.. ..

1918-2018: france and germany mourn

By comparison, British built London in 1921 to honor Army of India that had France and Belgium, and another one Neuve La Chapelle, France, in 1927, where Sikh contingent lost 80% of its in March 1915. ... including 28 Soviet troops and Germans, while France, collaborating with..

the enemy of the people

France is a nuclear power, and one proposed alternative is to make French nukes into European nukes. . ... He writes that France could “station part of its arsenal (for example, 10 missiles) in Germany or Poland.” . ..

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