And he lived happy ever after in Argentina after popping his double in the bunker, which they promptly incinerated to not leave evidence behind. . . 1 . . . . . . . . wirehaired . wirehaired Registered User . . ..…
As with the Macri government in Argentina, Bolsonaro will face a wave of union action, mass mobilisations and general strikes against his economic policies. ..…
This private audience is part of the pilgrimage of young parties this summer Argentina in the footsteps of Gabriel Longueville, priest ordained Viviers and martyred Argentina. ... Enrique Angelelli, Gabriel Longueville, Carlos de Dios Murias, Wenceslao Pedernera, are just four names..…
By tradition of military generals, He starts to look less like Hitler, draped and more like what he is, Bonapartist in Latin America still politically dominated, from Argentina's Juan Peron in the 1940s and 1950s to Hugo Chavez Venezuela in the 2000s.. ..…
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