monthly review

Thus Troika now prescribes Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Italy namely massive privatizations. The most crisis-ridden countries Portugal, and Ireland, have more or less been put under the administration of bodies still further away from legitimacy European Central Bank, International..

governments pressure russia to act on chechnya abuses

On August, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK, and the US requested Russia to outline its actions to stop abuses against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people local dissenters journalists and human rights..


Besides keeping Western Europe - scene of two devastating wars in the century - the process of EU expansion has played in ending dictatorships Greece, Spain and Portugal, in lifting Ireland out of poverty and in rooting nations of Soviet bloc firmly in West. ..

obama awards george h. w. bush a medal of freedom

When her brother, President Kennedy, visited Ireland in 1963, he promised he’d be back in the springtime. ... On the international stage, Jean Kennedy Smith played a pivotal role in the peace process in Northern Ireland while serving as United States ambassador to Ireland. ..

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