
number of service members with brain injuries from iran attack rises

We'll continue to monitor them the rest of their lives, actually, and continue to provide whatever treatment is necessary, said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. ..

normalizing death inside texas prisons

And both her parents, first her father and recently her mother, have died of broken hearts since she was killed for no reason whatsoever in October. by Keith ‘Malik’ Washington, Chief Spokesperson, End Prison Slavery in Texas Movement . ... He is also co-founder and chief spokesperson..

the cost of britain's language problem

Matthew Fell, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI)’s chief UK policy director, says that better foreign language skills are “critical to increasing the UK’s global competitiveness and to ensuring young people have the high level of cultural awareness that supports a successful career.”..

the real john bolton

In a briefing to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2005, the former chief of intelligence at the Department of State, Carl Ford, referred to Bolton as a “serial abuser” in his efforts to pressure intelligence analysts.  ..

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