You would think that the U.S. government would be thrilled to have a film broadcast to Americans showing the desperation and resolve to escape communist East Germany. ... West Berlin was a landlocked capitalist political enclave surrounded by communist East Germany. . ..…
This move made it impossible for GDR to compete with West Germany in U.S market, the important market in the in those formative years of the fledgling republic and even today.. ..…
The most committed Eastern communist author, Heiner Müller, was much more deeply German than the melancholy Western progressive mourners of Germany, Siegfried Lenz or Martin Walser (also Brecht in his chorales was heir to the Lutheran hymnal, to Bach, and to German baroque poetry, more..…
It divided into West Germany and the East Germany, the former democracy of some million anchored into what was to become Western NATO alliance, the latter struggling social experiment, third as large, allied to Communist Warsaw Pact. The day afterwards, British to West Germany, Sir..…
The tunnel was built by a group of people who had escaped earlier from communist East Germany to West Berlin. ... (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber) BERLIN (AP) — An escape tunnel underneath the Berlin Wall opened to the public on Thursday for the first time amid celebrations of the 30-year..…
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