
sessions senate bid would draw trump white house opposition

President Trump will oppose Senate comeback bid by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, White House source told Washington Examiner.. ... The president is quite Alabama, and opposition from the president could upend Sessions return to Capitol Hill.. ..!/quality/90/?

new hhs rule helps protect faith-based adoption agencies, but the

President @realDonaldTrump's proposed HHS rule gives voice to those trying to freely live out their faith in the public square, and care for our in need of adoptive or foster homes #adoption https FtOAMcsPUI — FRC November 4, 2019... ... The Trump-Pence White House has proposed horrific..

towards a new commission

On 16 July 2019 the European Parliament elected Ursula von Leyen President of European Commission. She is the first woman to be President-elect of European Commission. . ..

protests continue in chile against president

The president announced his decision to cancel APEC summit November and the UN conference on climate change December in the wake of mass riots in the country.. ... TEHRAN - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that United States was conducting joint patrols with Kurdish..

john stanton

Back January 2017, that President Donald Trump should not be too compared to Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Italy. ... It's easy to criticize the state of many things in United States of America the US President and Congress bowing to the demands of the community to exempt their $..

un / us paris agreement reax

Pan left, US President Barack Obama's arrives at COP21 and shakes hands with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and French President François Hollande 6. ... President Barack Obama at the time highlighted the role played by the US as the economy and the largest emitter and said,..

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