why these 5 states — including n.j. — hold odd-year elections

Edwin Edwards, a Democrat (who served four nonconsecutive terms as governor and also federal prison time for corruption), saw other traditionally blue Southern states turning red during President Nixon’s Republican administration and called for a constitutional convention to, among other things,..

israel 2019, at the mercy of the chief rabbinate

Nonetheless, Blue and White party head Benny Gantz, repeatedly implores the religious parties, those known  to negotiate with his Knesset faction on forming coalition. ... The media relations office of Blue and White party refused to comment on Al-Monitor's question about the party's..

yes, we used to have paid child care for working mothers. all it took

It's painful, from this vantage, to read in this newspaper, from 70 years ago, describing Portland scene room for children overlooking Willamette River, with windows on two sides to insure proper lighting and walls of pastel shades, in blues, yellows, apricots, depending on the exposure of the..

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