
traditional catholic parishes grow even as us catholicism declines

Social media pages offer a less conventional way of gauging interest in traditional Catholicism, with humorous pages such as TradCatholic Memes and Traditional Catholic Memes for Working Class Teens garnering 12,000 and 9,000 likes, respectively. Another page, The Beauty of Catholicism,..

the progressives’ unrestricted war on america

The election left the ruling class disarray of stammering and stuttering, dribbling mass of confusion and Justice and Rule of Law within the ruling class America is commodity. By ruling class, I mean those in, the political system, Ivy League educated, the leaders of..

wanted: justice & the rule of law

The election left the ruling class disarray of stammering and stuttering, dribbling mass of confusion and Justice and Rule of Law within the ruling class America is commodity. We have allowed ourselves to become the peasant class, we have treated Politicians of all things with..

syrian president bashar al-assad straight talk

“And because the Erdogan-type Turks are opportunists and belong to an opportunist organization and an opportunist ideology, they will produce results according to changing circumstances, when they are under pressure, depending on their internal or external circumstances or maybe their failure in..

the progressives’ unrestricted war on america

Neither cabal, cartel, nor conspiracy, PM's alignment of interests and actions is collective wherein non-elected progressives, sharing compatible agendas, cooperate with like-minded members of the political class, order to re-shape and re-direct national and cultural policies and practices  . ..

culture wars

After I gave a short talk to an English class of 16 year olds, a Hindu teenager by the name of Samil stood up and asked if I could come up with a scientific proof for the existence of God. . . ... Well, there are the honorific titles of course, their mid-1940’s dates of birth, their..

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